It is located behind the Altar to the Homeland. In this space, various musical
groups perform on weekends. It was built when Porfirio Díaz was president of
Mexico. The kiosk has a quarry base with eight sides, and metal columns
topped by a wooden roof inside, the exterior is metallic and the interior floor
is made of wood. The main access is through “Pasillo Metro” access.
In this space, various musical groups perform on weekends. It was built when
Don Porfirio Díaz was President of Mexico.
First Section.
Behind the Altar a la Patria monument
The main Access is “Pasillo Metro”, which is located near the “Altar a la Patria”
(Altar to the Homeland).
From Tuesday to Sunday, 05:00 to 17:00. Summertime
5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.