El Bosque de Chapultepec belongs to the World Urban Parks Association, an international organization that represents urban parks, spaces open and recreational. It is estimated that by 2050, 70% of the population will be living in urban areas; that is why promoting environmental awareness, and providing a voice collective for people and organizations committed to green cities, Open spaces, healthy recreation, health and physical activity.
For the past few years, El Bosque de Chapultepec has been part of the World Urban Parks Association, an international organization that represents urban parks, and open recreational spaces. It is estimated that by 2050, 70% of the population will live in urban areas. This is why promoting environmental awareness and providing a collective voice for the people and organizations committed with green cities is of vital importance.
WUPA provides international consulting, support and is a link between urban parks.
Its goal is to draw on the combined experience of its members and associates to help build more urban parks and achieve significant improvements in cities with rapid urban growth.
Each year the Association organizes a forum to exchange ideas regarding common environmental, social and economic issues, in which urban parks are part of the solution.
World Urban Parks Association aims to achieve the same level of recognition as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), responsible for safeguarding protected areas of the world. To this effect, it works as an umbrella for local associations and connects them to agencies, parks, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, companies, community groups, individuals and related sectors such as health, tourism and resource management.
WRI is a global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society groups to develop practical solutions that improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive. We organize our work around seven global challenges: Food, Forests, Water, Energy, Climate, the Ocean and Cities. We analyze these issues through the lenses of our four Centers of Excellence: Business, Economics, Finance and Equity
Is an effort to bridge the gaps from idea, to implementation, to scale and
help cities understand what is possible.
Through a series of regional workshops in Mexico, WRI has cultivated innovative, public and private-sector solutions to multiple urban development challenges. After applying to be a part of the Lab, a select cohort of projects is guided by a multi-stakeholder platform anchored by WRI experts to nurture their ideas, demonstrate them through pilots and
evolve their business models to better suit municipal decision making processes and markets.
On November 6, 2018, it launched a national call to the public and private sectors and civil organizations with the objective that, through a specialized technical incubation process, the winning green infrastructure projects strengthen their financial schemes that combine efforts of public resources and private.
On March 26, 2019, The CityFixLabs published that, out of 137 registered projects in Mexico, the jury selected 7, among them the Water Restoration Project of Chapultepec Park´s 3rd section.
The Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI), founded in December 1988, is a private, nonprofit membership association based in Mexico City that seeks to promote a culture of philanthropy and social responsibility in Mexico.
The governing body of the association is the General Assembly of Associates, which in turn delegates the responsibilities of the direction and administration of the institution to a Board of Directors. This Council also has an Executive Committee, which resolves more immediate issues, while the operational plant is headed by the Executive Presidency and is made up of 45 members.
Currently, 1,584 institutions and people are affiliated to CEMEFI. Of these, 1,350 are foundations and organizations, 142 companies, 50 individuals, 12 government entities, and 30 specialized consultants.
Access to the directory of Members of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) is an
annual publication that is distributed exclusively among individuals, organizations,
associations, foundations, companies, universities, and accredited consultants affiliated
with CEMEFI.
Is also, a reliable source of information on the philanthropic sector (Conferences, contests,
news, awards, and recognition.
The National Association of Parks and Recreation of Mexico is an organization that promotes the creation, revitalization, and sustainability of urban parks and recreation sectors in our country to improve the quality of life of all citizens through public spaces.
As an organization, the NPRA Association provides to the Spanish-speaking community with the best training in this highly specialized area in urban Parks and public spaces.
That is why their objectives are: