Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art - Pro Bosque Chapultepec
Asset 2

Pro Bosque de Chapultepec

Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art

Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art

  • Dirección

 Paseo de la Reforma No. 51 / at the corner of Gandhi.

Subway- Chapultepec or Auditorio. Ecobici- Station 194 (at the corner of Tamayo Museum, on Gandhi street). Station 195 (National Anthropology and History Museum). Metrobús- Line 7 / Gandhi station.

Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Last Wednesday of the month (as part of the Noches de Museo program) 10am-9: 30 pm.

Admission price: 65 pesos. Free admission on Sundays. Children under 12 years, students, teachers, seniors with valid ID cards free.

Website: http://museotamayo.org.

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