With its spiral shape resembling a seashell, the museum shows the pivotal events of Mexican history from the end of the Viceroyalty to the 1917 Constitution, through dioramas, scale models, videos and boards. It shows scenes from Mexico´s history by way of clay figures and 3D sets made out of wood and plastic. Each diorama has its own lighting and audio that allows the narration of the historic event it represents.
Chapultepec Castle access ramp, First Section of El Bosque de Chapultepec.
Chapultepec Metro.
Contact: 01 (55) 4040 5241 al 47 and Fax 4040 5248.
Tuesday-Sunday, 9:00 am to 4:15 pm.
Admission price: 70 pesos. Free admission on Sundays.
Website: http://www.inah.gob.mx/red-de-museos/264-museo-del-caracol-galeria-de-historia.